Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Little Things

Today was a rainy day. I could hear the rain drizzling softly on the skylight above my bed. I tightened my grip on my covers, rolled over, snuggled deeper into my bed and lazily shut my eyes. Oh, how good it felt.
Yesterday had been a good day, but an exhausting one. I deserved to get a little extra sleep. I knew I had to take Carley to the orthodontist in a few hours, which meant all I had to do was get a shower, get ready and we were good!
Then I heard that little voice...the sometimes dreaded voice...inside of me. “And where does time with Me fit into all of this?” I shut my eyes tighter, trying to drown Him out. I just want to sleep! Is that too much to ask?

Then I heard it. “Get up.” It wasn’t mean or demanding, but more of a calling. I almost rolled over.
But I didn’t.
I opened my eyes and got up.
Big deal, you may be thinking. And you’re right. I’m not tootin' my own horn here, I assure you. And this may not seem like a huge sacrifice...because it’s not. But for me this morning, God taught me an amazing lesson through this example.
How can I ever think that God can use me to do big things for Him if I won’t even get out of bed to seek His face? How can I expect Him to entrust me with lives and the dreams He has placed in my heart, if I’d rather just sleep? Because I’m tired.
The Lord showed me this morning, as I spent time with Him, that I have to be faithful in the little things to be entrusted with much.
“He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful
also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very
little thing is unrighteous also in much.”
Luke 16:10
This is the desire of my heart. I want to be faithful. I want to seek my Jesus before anything else. I want to put Him FIRST.
“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, 
and all these things will be added to you.”
Matthew 6:33
I fail at this daily. There are too many mornings where I roll over and go back to sleep. But I don’t want to do that anymore. I want to always choose Jesus.
Lord, help me to be faithful in the little things!


  1. This really speaks to me, thanks so much for posting it. <3

  2. Reminds me of the conversation we had on Friday! Thanks for the reminder!
