Thursday, January 2, 2014

Goals for the New Year

Well, it’s a new year...which means everyone and their mother have been talking about the year past and how great this new year is going to be--that “this is going to be their year!”

Quite honestly, all of this kinda makes me roll my eyes...yes, I would love to see everyone succeed at their new goals, but why can’t we all have goals and be motivated all year???

But nevertheless, this year I decided to give this whole “new years resolution” thing a chance and use this time to ask the Lord to show me some areas in my life and heart that needed to be changed or improved. And I found it to be a very refreshing and enlightening time for me. I made time to just stop, be still, and reflect. 

So after that long and drawn out are a few of my “resolutions.”

Goals for 2014:

Read through the Bible this year
I used to do this every year, and then I began to let other Bible studies I was doing be an excuse to keep me from doing this reading. But I have really missed getting that “whole picture” view of Scripture, so I’m determined to keep that up this year.

Pray more consistently for people

A dear friend, Mrs. Debra, shared a very practical way to pray for people with me last summer. She told me that she was at a friend’s house and noticed a basket full of cards on the coffee table. She looked into the basket and realized it was Christmas cards. She asked her friend why she kept them on the coffee table (when it was no where near Christmas) and her friend said that she keeps every Christmas card that people send to her, so that she can pray for them throughout the whole year.

When she shared this with me, I was like “I am SO gonna do that!” So this week we have taken one Christmas card and Chris and I are praying for that family this whole week. I even have a reminder set on my phone so that I remember to change it out the next week. (because these days I can be rather forgetful...I blame pregnancy. ha)

Plant a garden and can some produce

If any of you know me, you know that if this happens, it will be a miracle from God. Because I literally have killed every plant I’ve ever come in contact with. But I still want to learn! So I am reading up on how to garden, starting with this book Chris’ dad let me borrow. And thankfully he has been gardening for over 20 years, so he’s gonna teach me to mend my killing ways. ;)

Write more encouraging cards

You can never underestimate the power of a hand-written and encouraging card. I keep every card I receive...yes I’m a pack rat. ha But they just mean so much! When someone takes the time to write out something thoughtful and mail it to me, I feel so special and encouraged! So I really want to get better about doing that for other people. And I even bought some cute little cards from Walmart to start with! :)

So those are just a few of my goals for this new year! I’m asking the Lord to be the one who helps me stay motivated to carry this out, especially when the “newness” wears off. ha 

So what are some of your resolutions?

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