Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Resolutions For The New Year

It’s that glorious time of year when everyone is making resolutions. You see determined looks on faces, and nearly get plowed over by women with hunger filled eyes if you dare step into the diet isle at the grocery store. All you seem to hear about is how this will be the year we lose weight...stop smoking...get organized...etc.

Quite honestly, I’ve never been a big fan of resolutions. I don’t know why, but I hate jumping on the band wagon of “promises” we make and have every intention of keeping...but then always seem to forget. It has always seemed a little pointless to me.

But this morning, I set aside some time to just be still. I lit a candle, put on some classical music, and grabbed my Bible and notebook. I flipped back through the pages of my journal, and found prayers dated in January of 2012. I then sat and read through every prayer I’d written through last year. 

What a journey this past year has been!! I started off the year at the Passion conference, where Jesus rocked my world. Then spent my summer at the internship with Precept Ministries, where Jesus again rocked my world. Reading through so many prayers I prayed...some seemed silly, and some were cries from deep within my heart...reminded me that my Heavenly Father does hear even the smallest of prayers. And He answers them in the way that He sees fit. I was reminded of the faithfulness of my God.

So, as I sat there just overwhelmed by God’s goodness, I was convicted of my own complacency in my relationship with the Lord. I so easily forget how good and faithful He is, and I take Him for granted. I think there are more pressing matters that I need to accomplish before I take time to spend with Him. “After I finish this email, I’ll read my Bible.” I say to myself. And as I get distracted by the tasks that pile up in my mind, my relationship with the Lord fades into the background. 

So armed with this new conviction in my heart, I’ve decided to make some resolutions for this New Year. This year I will put Jesus first in my life. I prayed and asked the Lord to show me some practical ways to help me accomplish this. And this is what He showed me:

Spend time with the Lord daily
         - whether it’s getting in the Word, taking a walk to just pray and hear His voice, or  
           listening to Scripture, I will make time to be alone with God.

“When You said, "Seek My face," my heart 
said to You, "Your face, O LORD, I shall seek."’
Psalm 27:8

“I have set the LORD continually before me; 
Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”
Psalm 16:8

Pray for people more.
          - People are hurting! They need someone lifting them up in prayer.
“Therefore, confess your sins to one another, 
and pray for one another so that you may be 
healed. The effective prayer of a righteous 
man can accomplish much.”
James 5:16

“pray without ceasing;”
1 Thess. 5:17

Write consistently in my thankful journal.
         - I started this journal last year, and then as time went on I stopped writing things         
           in it. But it really helped me to stop and think about the big and small things I am    
           thankful for. I need more thankfulness in my life.

“...give thanks in all circumstances; for this is 
the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
1 Thess. 5:18

“Now when Daniel knew that the document was signed, 
he entered his house (now in his roof chamber he had 
windows open toward Jerusalem); and he continued 
kneeling on his knees three times a day, praying and 
giving thanks before his God, as he had been 
doing previously.”
Daniel 6:10

So I share this all with you to encourage you to take sometime in the next few days and just sit at the feet of Jesus. Ask Him what things He wants for you this year, and areas you can become more like Him in. I’d love to hear what He shows you!!

I was very convicted and encouraged by this morning...and I’m actually hopeful that this New Year will be the best I’ve ever had...because Jesus will be my first priority.